Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog Slacker and Kale

So I have failed miserably at updating the blog lately. I sincerely apologize. I have been distracted by other things and haven't made time.

I did make an exciting food discovery this week: Kale!

I have never eaten kale before so this was kind of going on a whim. I had heard of people using it in soups and things like that but I recently found a recipe for crispy kale chips... I was intrigued. So after reading a few recipes this is what I came up with:

Crispy Kale Chips
3 Stalks of Kale
Olive Oil Cooking Spray

Wash and dry the kale. It is important to get as much water off as possible!!! Do not put wet kale in the oven.

After drying, pull leaves off the stalk into bite size-ish pieces and spread them on a baking sheet. Spray a few times with cooking spray and bake in a 350 degree oven for 6-10 minutes.

Check them at about 6 minutes, if the leaves are starting to turn brown, they can become bitter. Chips are done when they crush easily (think dried fall leaf crushing).

Remove from the oven, dust lightly with salt. (For the third batch I made this week, I put Tony Cachere's Creole Seasoning on them.... it was kind of awesome!)

And now, enjoy! I can totally eat a whole pan of this by myself and if you don't go overboard with the spray, they are 0 points plus value! Hooray!

Ooooh! Just a side note, Chris and Dad both really liked them too!